
Home >Initiatives > Outreach

Outreach Committee of IAM is the arm that extends from IAM to all the non-profit and youth organizations across the state of Minnesota, to work with them to progress in our common missions.

This team is primarily responsible to engage, showcase and participate in various Indian regional orgs activities and initiatives.

They are also instrumental in sharing the information about the IAM events like IndiaFest and Connect India, which are catered to bring all those partner organizations together for our collective community work.

Non-Indian Outreach done by IAM:

Seeds to Harvest (STH)

Since the murder of George Floyd, civil unrest and ongoing covid-19 response in 2020 has suspended public sector programs and destroyed the economic and civic physical infrastructure, several community agencies and groups, leadership development and environmental organizations have formed the ‘Seeds to Harvest’ Coalition to serve its community to support the community and its program infrastructure. The collective work of the Alliance involves keeping Five Promises to children and youth that form the conditions they need to achieve adult success.

STH Promises- Caring adults, Safe Places, Healthy start, Effective education, Opportunities to help others

  • Bulldogs
  • Litter league
  • City of Lakes Summer Games