We (IAM) started WIN (Women’s Initiative Network) late last year at the heels of a successful and much needed First-ever All-Women’s event called Pink Garba, supporting breast cancer awareness in our Indian and South Asian communities. Women make up a large and important constituency of IAM and the Minnesota Indian Community, and the WIN Committee will work to identify women’s concerns and address them through dialogue, community, and collective action.
WIN recognizes and promotes diversity of gender and identity, inclusivity, and collaboration with other groups across IAM and their p
artners. Anyone is welcome to join the WIN committee. We hope to ramp up WIN in 2023 and have quarterly engagements.
Mission statement– “Gender Equality Today for A Sustainable Tomorrow”
Provide a platform for women to create sustainable social network within IAM
Identify and give prominence to women’s issuesProvide a safe and empowering space for women in IAM to share their concernsWIN also aims to create an open and honest environment.
Recognize and promote diversity of gender and identity, inclusivity, collaborate with other groups across IAM and their partners.
Pillars of WIN– Our events and projects will mostly be centered around these 4 areas.
Health and Wellness in Women ( Eg Pink Garba)
Careers in Women- Contributing women in various fields and careers
Call to Action (Eg bring attention to issues like Domestic Violence, LGBTQ+ issues)
Self Empowerment, History and Celebration
The WIN charter can be found here.